'Pay for Results' certified treatments

We specialize in treating chronic disease
Our medical clinics focus on just a few serious diseases that are considered difficult or impossible to treat using standard medical techniques. We currently treat Lyme disease, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Asperger's syndrome.
We have a number of other diseases in the developmental pipeline, and we plan on being able to offer treatments for them in 2025. Specifically: autism, Parkinson's disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Type 1 diabetes, and tinnitus. If you are interested in these upcoming disease treatments, please contact us to be put on a waiting list.
"Pay for Results" treatments
For most clients, our processes eliminate the symptoms of these diseases. In fact, we have a 'pay for results' policy - if the symptoms we agree to treat are not eliminated, there is no fee to you, the client.
We use psycho-immunology techniques
We use non-drug, non-surgical psychoimmunology techniques for our treatments. Treatment time is usually around 10 hours. Our work is based on the discovery that many of the 'incurable' conditions are actually caused by very early trauma at critical developmental events in the client's prenatal growth. If you are a therapist or physician, or want more in-depth information on our research or training efforts, we refer you to our main research institute website, or feel free to contact us. We also publish textbooks on our work.
About us
Our driving purpose is to bring people with chronic diseases back to normal health. There are four people in the core team: Shayne McKenzie is Australian, and runs our Byron Bay clinic. He's also the CEO of the Institute of the Study States, an international volunteer research organization that developed the treatments used in our clinics. Kirsten Lykkegaard DVM PhD is our research director, with a PhD in pharmacology as well as being a doctor of veterinary medicine. Kirsten was a principal scientist on the team that led to the development of the tremendously effective weight loss drugs at the Danish drug company Novo Nordisk. Mary Pellicer MD is our medical director, responsible for testing our treatments' efficacy and outcomes. She also leads the team that does the phase 1 and phase 2 clinical trials on new treatments. Grant McFetridge PhD has had two careers, one as an adjunct professor of electrical engineering and one in psychobiology research. He founded the Institute in 1998, and is our main theoretician.
Contact us to learn more, or to make an appointment
Feel free to email or phone us during office hours at our Byron Bay, NSW Australia clinic.
All our best,
Mary Pellicer MD, Medical Director
Shayne McKenzie, CEO
The Psychoimmunology Institute